Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Evildead - Annihilation Of Civilization

this sounds like oldschool slayer mixed with death's scream bloody gore, with a pinch of megadeth in there for good measure, but toned down some. over all, hilarious, and sort of awesome, but totaly lame and genaric at the same time. Some riffs are pretty hardcore, but there's nothing original here. none the less, it's pretty fun to listen to. i got it because the cover art was hilarious, and at least 2 songs are acronyms, one with like 8 letters, which means it's actually from the 80's. and it came with a free membership to club dead...
http://www.mediafire.com/file/vthovddbnjr/Evildead - Annihilation Of Civilization.rar

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